Spectulise - web consultancy company
0845 83 86 350
Website hosting

Support site Wireless

Live service information can be found on our support site at www.spectulise.info


Our UK servers are based just outside of London at Centro Data Centre in Hemel Hempstead. The purpose built data centre is equiped with state-of-the-art protection equipment to ensure high uptime and data security.


Situated close to London, we benefit from major connections to the UK, Europe, the USA and the rest of the world, both directly through London, and indirectly via other major connections. This allows traffic to take the quickest available route and means we're not reliant on London's data network.

Data centre

The data centres we use are purpose built facilities which include raised flooring, multiple power suppliers, backup power generators, advanced security arrangements and VESA (Very Early Smoke Detection Apparatus) gas based fire supression systems.


We offer Linux based servers which operate the "cpanel" control panel system. This gives users a great deal of control and functionality from a single interface.

We use Linux based servers as have found the reliability and functionality excellent when compared to others. Linux is also widely regarded to be the most popular hosting platform worldwide.

The control panel means you won't ever have to know or see any Linux code. All servers have PHP and MySQL as standard.

To ensure reliability, only stable software releases are installed.


All servers utilise high quality components and parts. A typical specification (Spectulise Server 1) includes:

Spare components are kept onsite to ensure that in the event of something going wrong replacement items can be swapped in with minimal disruption.

Regular backups are also taken both internally on the server and to an external SAN (Storage Area Network) unit and NAS drive (Network Attached Storage) so that in the unlikely event of a problem data can be recovered - although it remains the customers responsibility to backup their own data regularly.

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